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Why give out money for FREE, does it serve any purpose and does it really have any value?

Every time a FREE is claimed it will require a transaction on the Fusion Blockchain. We believe that 1 FREE will be able to worth at least as much as 1 transaction on the Fusion blockchain, regardless of how expensive these eventually become. Let's find out if this theory is true!


Initially FREE had value because it was backed by the most successful cryptocurrency yet, BTC! The initial liquidity consisted of 1 BTC and 100 million FREE. 1 FREE was thus worth 1 sat, initially. This liquidity was 100% burnt and owned by no one (meaning we sacrificed 1 full BTC in order to see this become reality). This initial liquidity ran on Chainge DEX on the Fusion Blockchain and was the first coin to use Chainge as a launchpad.


We of course hope 1 FREE can sustain a higher value than this, but it is no guarantee.  


Further, if FREE claiming becomes really popular, it'll begin to increase the cost of Fusion transactions through gas wars, so that they potentially become more expensive than 1 sat.


As addresses subscribe to the faucet, they need to pay the 1 FSN subscription fee. These fees are used to fund the gas needed for airdrops and for a gas faucet that helps new users to the network with their first transaction.


As the fees begin to add up, it also serves as a budget to further the network even more and build new things.


We also believe that FMN can become a highly desirable and sought after asset, given that it'll get more difficult to win every time. Likely it is the most difficult crypto asset of all to "mine". And we will do what we can to get FMN listed on centralized exchanges, other networks, DEXes and various crypto sites.


This article  might help understand the why on a slightly deeper level.


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